Development & Adoption
As of December 2023,17 states
have developed statewide
Portrait of a Graduate
To prepare students for the 21st-century workforce,
K-12 education is undergoing a significant transformation.
This transformation centers on the development of graduate profiles, such as the Portrait of a Graduate.
Leveraging AI, credentialing metrics assess students' proficiencies across a range of graduate profile competencies, granting certificates according to predefined criteria
Portrait or Profile of a Graduate
A graduate profile, also known as a Portrait or Profile of a Graduate, succinctly summarizes the learning standards, competencies, and durable skills students should possess upon graduation.
Its creation involves input from administration, educators, students, parents, and various stakeholders within a school’s community.
The finalized profile becomes a key component of the students' graduation requirements as part of the school's strategic plan, serving as a public-facing guide.
Durable skills are often sub-skills within
the Portrait of a Graduate framework
Portrait of a Graduate exceeds traditional academics
Prioritizing Competencies and Durable Skills
Integrates skills development with traditional learning standards
Utilizes graduate profile insights to create strategic pathways
Aligns schools and students with 21st-century graduate standards
Prepares students for postsecondary education and the modern workforce